Sunday, November 3, 2019

Global Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Operations Management - Essay Example Additionally, this discussion is going to weigh the demerits of various supply chains of the beverage company and the necessary solutions. Furthermore, the paper discusses the importance of quality management and measurement while considering the significance of enterprise processing planning system. Background Coca Cola Company was founded in 1892 and is Beverage Corporation that deals in manufacturing, retailing and marketing of its non-alcoholic products globally (Pendergrast, 2000). These products include Coke, Dasani Nutriwater, Bacardi and Minute Maid among others. Similarly, the company provides its numerous products totaling over 500 brands in over 200 nations with servings exceeding 1.7 billion. Additionally, Coca Cola Company with an employee base of about 139, 600 spread in various parts of the world accrues revenue amounting to $11.809 annually. Besides doing business, this global corporation participates in charity ventures as a gesture of its corporate missions. For ins tance, it offers scholarships to students in America to acquire quality education and become better citizens. Furthermore, the company participates in environmental awareness programs by planting trees and offering support in the reduction HIV/AIDS menace, in Africa. Components The beverage company has six major components that are involved in its supply’s chain. ... In addition, they use Demand Management, which involves balancing the needs of clients in terms of the strength of the supply chain. Alternatively, there is the Return Management tackles the field of returns, gate keeping and reverse logistics among others of the supply chain. Furthermore, there is the Manufacturing Flow Management that assists Coca Cola in evaluating its activities that are paramount in exercising supply flexibility. There is also Customer Service Management (CSM) that works on solving problems that can affect customers directly. Potential Problems and Solutions There are various potential problems that are related to the above components of Coca Cola’s supply chain. For instance, unexpected demands from customers may affect the effectiveness of CRM. Therefore, the company should make their missions and values clear to clients. Additionally, in (SRM), the reduction of stock because of inadequate capital may cause supply problems. This means the company always has sufficient capital to re-stock (Lambert, 2008). On the other hand, in Demand Management, the problem lies constant customer complains because of limited supply. In this case, the company should increase its distribution channels to satisfy its customers. Alternatively, in Return Management, ineffective reports about returns and logistics may cause an imbalance in correct assessment. Therefore, it is imperative for the company to conduct a thorough analysis of its reports. Similarly, in Manufacturing Flow Management, the challenge lies in causing supply inflexibility and the solution is to employ more staff to carry out the supply. Finally, in (CSM), the challenge is when the company fails to attend to all complaints of customers, and

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