Monday, June 3, 2019
Principles Of Software Development
Principles Of Software DevelopmentGagandeep Singh(a) Different types of tote up system-1 binary program The binary number system plunder be represented by 2 digits (0 and 1) . all the info of our computer is in the form of binary numbers pool. Binary number is nearly used in electronic circuit to check there voltages (i.e., on/off beat) where 0 consider when switch is off and 1 when switch is on. further the base of binary number is 2 because it has only 2 digits and each binary digit is known as bit.Examples-a (010101)2 B (1010.101)2 ten-fold- decimal fraction number system can be represented by 10 types of digits from 0 to 9, so the base of decimal number system is 10. This is one of the most simple and familiar with everyone.Examples-A (456374)10 B (143.345)10Octal- it can be represented by 8 different types from 0 to 7, so the base of octal is 8. The root of 3 binary digit is equal to 1 octal number. For example- 000 binary number is equal to 0, 001 binary number is equ al to 1 and so on. Moreover in this octal number system any digit is always less than 8 because 8 has not a valid digit. For example-a (6342)8 B (2473.564)8hexadecimal- hexadecimal can be represented by 16 digits from 0 to 15 precisely 0 to 9 can be in digits but 10 to 15 in alphabets like 10 =A, 11=B, 12=C, 13=D, 14=E, 15=F. Only complex or wide numbers are used in this system.For example-A (CD45)16 B (D77.4A6)16. ( decreesand tutorials)(b) convert 10310 to binary Answer = binary 1100111Hexadecimal is 67Octal is 147(c) Convert (1011010)2 to decimal and hexadecimal.Answer =Decimal(1011010)2(1011010)2 =126 + 0x25 + 124 + 123 + 0x22 + 121 + 0x20 =164 + 0x32 + 116 + 18 + 0x4 + 12 + 0x1 =64 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = (90)10Hexadecimal is 5A.Integer it consist whole number that can be positive or negative like 12, 0, -12 or 1344. But integers cant be in decimals. It is used to search the items in the computer with the ease of array. It occupy 2 and 4 bytes. And the range for signed in tegers is -32,468 to 32767 or -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. For unsigned the range value is 0 to 65,535 or 0 to 4,294,967,295.Example- Int id (Techterm)Character a vulcanized fiber may be any letter, number or symbol than can be typed on computer. There are two types of the character entropy types. Signed and unsigned. Each character occupy 1 byte of terminus. Range of signed char is -128 to 127 and for unsignedis 0 to 255.Example- Char name (techterm)Float when we want to gunstock a decimal values in the variable than we can say this is float. It is also known as real number data type and the storage size of float is 4 bytes. The range is 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.Float avgDouble when we have to use data type on big eateries that type of data is forked data type. Moreover storage size of double data type is 8 bytes.Boolean-when we have only two option like yes/no or true/false then we can say this type of data is known as Boolean data.Different types of coding system1. BCD CodeT he luxuriant form of BCD is binary mandated system. It has represented by 4 binary digits because it has 4 bit encipher. This code is mostly used in the past.2. EBCDIC CodeEBCDIC means drawn-out binary coded decimal interchange code which can be represented by 256 characters and it has 8 bit code.3. ASCIIASCII stands for American standard code for information interchange. The crock up of this is ANSI (American National Standard Institute) in 1968 and mostly prefers to use on personal computer. It has 7 bit code which can be represented by 128 characters. This code is not enough to represent the graphics character on computer screen. As 8 bit character represent 256 character and the extended 128 character has unique code represent graphic symbols.4. UnicodeUnicode has a 16 bit code and it can be representing by 65536 characters. The main purpose of this is to replace ASCII code because it can represent all the characters of all languages in the world. (Ameen, 2011)5 BarcodeA ba rcode is just like a image of small lines which shows the retails and identify the particular items. The code of the product is entered in the computer before to put on the shells. Moreover it has five main parts a quiet zone, a start character, data character, a stop character, and another quiet zone. (manufacturingERP)
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